I tried to use the switch to control programs. This is the program i wrote but it doesn't work well: the switch donesn't change the effects. Is there something wrong?
//defining hardware resources.
#define LED 13
#define FOOTSWITCH 12
#define TOGGLE 2
#define PUSHBUTTON_1 A5
#define PUSHBUTTON_2 A4
//defining the output PWM parameters
#define PWM_FREQ 0x00FF // pwm frequency - 31.3KHz
#define PWM_MODE 0 // Fast (1) or Phase Correct (0)
#define PWM_QTY 2 // 2 PWMs in parallel
//other variables
int input, distortion_threshold=6000, vol_variable=512; //initial value adjusted by try and error.
int counter=0;
unsigned int ADC_low, ADC_high;
void setup() {
//setup IO
pinMode(LED, OUTPUT);
// setup ADC
ADMUX = 0x60; // left adjust, adc0, internal vcc
ADCSRA = 0xe5; // turn on adc, ck/32, auto trigger
ADCSRB = 0x07; // t1 capture for trigger
DIDR0 = 0x01; // turn off digital inputs for adc0
// setup PWM
TCCR1A = (((PWM_QTY - 1) << 5) | 0x80 | (PWM_MODE << 1)); //
TCCR1B = ((PWM_MODE << 3) | 0x11); // ck/1
TIMSK1 = 0x20; // interrupt on capture interrupt
ICR1L = (PWM_FREQ & 0xff);
DDRB |= ((PWM_QTY << 1) | 0x02); // turn on outputs
sei(); // turn on interrupts - not really necessary with arduino
void loop() {
//Turn on the LED if the effect is ON.
if (digitalRead(FOOTSWITCH)==HIGH) digitalWrite(LED, HIGH);
else digitalWrite(LED, LOW);
//nothing else here, all happens in the Timer 1 interruption.
// get ADC data
ADC_low = ADCL; // you need to fetch the low byte first
ADC_high = ADCH;
//construct the input sumple summing the ADC low and high byte.
input = ((ADC_high <<
| ADC_low) + 0x8000; // make a signed 16b value
counter++; //to save resources, the pushbuttons are checked every 1000 times.
if (!digitalRead(PUSHBUTTON_2)) {
if (distortion_threshold<32768)distortion_threshold=distortion_threshold+25; //increase the vol
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); //blinks the led
if (!digitalRead(PUSHBUTTON_1)) {
if (distortion_threshold>0)distortion_threshold=distortion_threshold-25; //decrease vol
digitalWrite(LED, LOW); //blinks the led
//the input signal is 16bits (values from -32768 to +32768
//the value of input is clipped to the distortion_threshold value
if(input>distortion_threshold) input=distortion_threshold;
//write the PWM signal
OCR1AL = ((input + 0x8000) >>
; // convert to unsigned, send out high byte
OCR1BL = input; // send out low byte
//write the PWM signal
OCR1AL = ((input + 0x8000) >>
; // convert to unsigned, send out high byte
OCR1BL = input; // send out low byte