pedalSHIELD UNO is an Open Source Hardware project.
Here it is the schematics and the original native files that you can open/modify using KiCAD (Open Source Electronic CAD tool):
Hi, in the native files only the schematics are included. For the layout you can see the
included up in the topic where the top and bottom layers are zipped.
I was having trouble getting the pcb file in the .zip to convert to a gerber file that our milling machine will read. I found a good one on the pedaldue though. We are using an OtherMIll for the mill. Thanks for the speedy response Ray
Hi, I am very new to KiCad and I am having trouble importing the .sch schematic file. It comes up with a warning message saying it there was an error loading the file and it was unable to read it, and this one following: XML Parsing error: 'syntax error' at line one. Any help would be greatly appreciated!