Well, i tried everything, i checked with my multimeter and the values were all fine!
Perhaps its due to i own a clone arduino DUE... I cannot think of something else
But how the clean effect works? I mean whatever goes to my amp, since the amp is in the distortion mode, wouldnt it be get distorted too? How a clean pedal overrides this?
I am getting anther error (perhaps an indication that the clean effect problen is due to me DUE being a clone). When i upload a sketch, when i power off and then power on its not there anymore! I have to reupload. I am using the programming port of the arduino DUE
About your problem with the memory erase have a look at this: forum.arduino.cc/index.php?topic=144758.0
Maybe you can get some info in the official arduino forums, people there are great.
Just to make sure that your DUE clone works properly, just try to load the example codes that are included in the arduino software (click on File, examples, and you will see a huge list) here you have codes to read the ADCs, blink an LED, etc... basic projects to make sure that your board is fine.
But how the clean effect works? I mean whatever goes to my amp, since the amp is in the distortion mode, wouldnt it be get distorted too? How a clean pedal overrides this?
you need your amp in clean mode, normally guitar amps have a clean and distortion modes.