Delay Pedal

10 años 6 meses antes - 9 años 1 mes antes #8 por JR
Delay Pedal Publicado por JR

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10 años 6 meses antes - 9 años 1 mes antes #9 por JR
Respuesta de JR sobre el tema Delay Pedal

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9 años 5 meses antes - 9 años 5 meses antes #178 por Ray
Respuesta de Ray sobre el tema Delay Pedal
Some folks asked for a better explanation of the delay.ino code, so I hope it helps:
Starting from the beginning...

- The idea is to buffer the guitar signal 450 ms. Keeping a sample rate of 44.1 KHz (which is one sample every 22.6us) we will need 20000 samples to be stored (450000/22us= 200000 samples). This is why MAX_DELAY=20000.

- The Mix Potentiometer should be ON (down) in order to mix the original and the delayed signal and make them sound at the same time.

- Main Loop: Both ADCs and potentiometers are read.

- TC4_Handler (sampling function): This function is executed every 22.6us. It will save the current read signal in a buffer.
This is maybe the most tricky part, but is a very easy idea,
It also adjust the volume and writes de DACs.

- The main idea can be resumed in this image, with the key points (1,2,3) highlighted in the code below:

Variable Definitions:

int in_ADC0, in_ADC1; //variables for 2 ADCs values (ADC0, ADC1)
int POT0, POT1, POT2, out_DAC0, out_DAC1; //variables for 3 pots (ADC8, ADC9, ADC10)
int LED = 3;
int TOGGLE = 2;

#define MAX_DELAY 20000
uint16_t sDelayBuffer0[MAX_DELAY];
uint16_t sDelayBuffer1[MAX_DELAY];
unsigned int DelayCounter = 0;
unsigned int Delay_Depth = MAX_DELAY;

Setup loop, it sets the sampling frequency at 44.1KHz (1/44KHz=22.6us). It also fixes all the general parameters like the ADC and DAC configuration.

void setup()
//turn on the timer clock in the power management controller

//we want wavesel 01 with RC
TC_SetRC(TC1, 1, 238); // sets <> 44.1 Khz interrupt rate
TC_Start(TC1, 1);

// enable timer interrupts on the timer

//Enable the interrupt in the nested vector interrupt controller
//TC4_IRQn where 4 is the timer number * timer channels (3) + the channel number
//(=(1*3)+1) for timer1 channel1

//ADC Configuration
ADC->ADC_MR |= 0x80; // DAC in free running mode.
ADC->ADC_CR=2; // Starts ADC conversion.
ADC->ADC_CHER=0x1CC0; // Enable ADC channels 0,1,8,9 and 10

//DAC Configuration
analogWrite(DAC0,0); // Enables DAC0
analogWrite(DAC1,0); // Enables DAC0

The main loop, just read the inputs (guitar signal ADCs, and potentiometer ADCs )

void loop()
//Read the ADCs
while((ADC->ADC_ISR & 0x1CC0)!=0x1CC0);// wait for ADC 0, 1, 8, 9, 10 conversion complete.
in_ADC0=ADC->ADC_CDR[7]; // read data from ADC0
in_ADC1=ADC->ADC_CDR[6]; // read data from ADC1
POT0=ADC->ADC_CDR[10]; // read data from ADC8
POT1=ADC->ADC_CDR[11]; // read data from ADC9
POT2=ADC->ADC_CDR[12]; // read data from ADC10

The interrupt function at 44.1KHz rate (every 22.6us)
void TC4_Handler()
//Save in the buffer the current guitar signal, to be stored Store current readings
(1) sDelayBuffer0[DelayCounter] = in_ADC0;
(1) sDelayBuffer1[DelayCounter] = in_ADC1;

//Adjust Delay Depth based in pot2 position, this part is tricky, POT0>>2 is the same as writing POT0/2. To the values that this potentiometer produces (from 0 to 2097) are re-maped in values between 1 and 20000. There is more info about the map function in the Arduino website.
Basically Delay_Depth value will go from 1 to 20000 depending on POT0 position (i.e if POT0 is at the middle point, Delay_Depth=10000 )


THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT: We use an index to save the data in the buffer, so we increment it, the actual reading will be stored one sample before the index position.
//--Increse/reset delay counter.

//If we reach the end of the buffer, we reset the counter
if(DelayCounter >= Delay_Depth) DelayCounter = 0;

We write on the DACs the current index buffer sample, which is indeed the one that was stored here 20000 samples before:

(3)out_DAC0 = ((sDelayBuffer0[DelayCounter]));
(3)out_DAC1 = ((sDelayBuffer1[DelayCounter]));

//Add volume feature - this is easy.

//Write the DACs
dacc_set_channel_selection(DACC_INTERFACE, 0); //select DAC channel 0
dacc_write_conversion_data(DACC_INTERFACE, out_DAC0);//write on DAC
dacc_set_channel_selection(DACC_INTERFACE, 1); //select DAC channel 1
dacc_write_conversion_data(DACC_INTERFACE, out_DAC1);//write on DAC

//Clear status allowing the interrupt to be fired again.
TC_GetStatus(TC1, 1);

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9 años 1 mes antes #274 por JohnReagan
Respuesta de JohnReagan sobre el tema Delay Pedal

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ElectroSmash - Delay Pedal - Electro Smash
9 años 1 mes antes #275 por Ray
Respuesta de Ray sobre el tema Delay Pedal

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8 años 11 meses antes #299 por mtytgat
Respuesta de mtytgat sobre el tema Delay Pedal

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8 años 11 meses antes - 8 años 11 meses antes #301 por Ray
Respuesta de Ray sobre el tema Delay Pedal

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