1.3 OLED Display (I2C, 128x64) TroubleShooting

6 years 11 months ago - 6 years 11 months ago #1233 by Ray
This is a short guide to troubleshoot any problems with the OLED display:
1. Make sure that you are using a 4 pins, 128x64, I2C communication, 1.3 (0.96 also compatible) inches OLED Display.
2. Check the pins, on most of the OLED displays the pins are GND - VCC - SCL - SDA but some displays are VCC - GND - SCL - SDA
pedalSHIELD MEGA rev A. is only compatible with the fist one. Make sure you have the right one.
4. Make sure that with the board powered on you have the right voltages:
  • GND: 0V
  • VCC: 5V
  • SDL: 3.5V (approx.)
  • SDA: 3.5V (approx.)
3. Make sure that your OLED display has the right I2C Address, you can use the I2C Scanner to read it, all the codes for pedalSHIELD MEGA use the address

4. Make sure that you have installed the libraries, there is a topic about it: www.electrosmash.com/forum/pedalshield-m...braries-installation

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5 years 6 months ago #1849 by thoff
I've done each of the steps below, and verified the other functionality (supply, buttons, switch, audio, etc.) and everything works fine except the screen. The I2c scanner gets a response at address 0x3C as expected, but the screen is dark when I load (for example) the hello world screen test. Also of note, SDA and SCL look like they are pulled up to 5V, not 3.5V as you suggest (I'd actually expect 5V if they are coming from the 5V supply domain on the Arduino board). And of course the OLED library is installed and included. Initially when I programmed it I got a little bit of "hello" and some other random pixels activated, but no more. I'm leaning toward the screen being defective.

Is there anything else you can suggest I check easily?

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5 years 6 months ago #1850 by Ray
So you initially got a "hello" message but you are not able to see anything in your screen anymore?
We test all out screens before sending them out (that's why you will see that the package is "open" with a handwritten "TESTED")

The best way to debug it is to retouch the pins (pads) with a soldering iron, sometimes you can get a "cold joint" that makes a bad connection. So retouch the 4 OLED screen pins and the pin headers with the I2C pins. Make sure that you have VCC (+5V) and gnd. Don't worry too much about the SCL, SDA pin voltages.

Load a simple code and check if you get something there, if not contact us using the email (www.electrosmash.com/contact)

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5 years 6 months ago #1851 by thoff
I figured it out. The power supply domain that SDA and SCL live on on the master (atmel chip) are 3.3V. The screen, however, is not. There are pullups in the microcontroller, but they are to 3.3V so they can't be guaranteed to meet the I2C VIH/VIL of the screen you provided. On board pullups to +5V should be mandatory.

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5 years 6 months ago #1852 by Ray
There are two optional pull-ups on the board anything from 1K to 10K would be fine.
So does it work for you now?

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