Pedal-Pi Native Files and PCB Transfers.

5 years 3 months ago #2007 by Ray
There is a Pedal Pi album on Flickr with plenty of pics:

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5 years 3 months ago #2014 by Piaz
I want to try to build the pedalPi.
I'd like to buy it in the shop but it's closed and I don't know when it'll be back.

I don't have the tools to make the PCB so I'll try to do it and buy it on a website (
To do it, I need specific files (gerber).
On this topic, sarahkatezm254 gave the files with some differences.

Can I use these files to do it?
Did anybody try these files ?


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5 years 2 months ago #2019 by Ray
Hi Piaz, sorry we do not release gerber files, the ones created by sarahkatezm254 are not "official", I dont have a clue if they work, nobody used them as far as I know.

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5 years 2 months ago #2021 by Piaz
Ok, thanks for your answer.
So, I have no solution for the moment.
Too bad for me, I would have liked to test this project that looks cool.

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5 years 2 months ago #2022 by rpecb
I'm currently working on designing a PCB using smd components, the PCB is not ready yet, but I transferred the circuit diagram. Using it, you can generate a PCB and place components in accordance with the PCB specified in the topic. Anyone can clone a project and finalize it, or wait for completion.

I will also be glad of any help in the development of the board, since I'm not a specialist and I can miss some of the nuances

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5 years 2 months ago #2029 by vmallet
Hey @Ray,

I've stumbled upon this project and I think it's totally cool. I was going to build one for myself and assemble a kit for my teenage nephew at Christmas but I too ran into the "no PCB files with the project" story..

Curious about the rationale though: if one can't buy the PCB from you because it is out of stock, and one can't make the PCB because the files are not available, what is one to do? Two years later, why not make the PCB files available too? (Not trying to change your mind but hoping to understand the reasoning).

We can always attempt to go with the board sarahkatezm254 shared but like you said earlier, it's untested and it would be so much nicer to go with the original.


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5 years 2 months ago #2031 by santisk

Is the PCB going to be in stock soon again? I'm working with a similar project and this would fit perfect with it!
Otherwise, would it be possible to have .pcb files to work with it by myself?

Thank you in advance!


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5 years 1 month ago #2046 by sunmat
I'm new to Pedal-Pi, I wanted to buy one but I saw that it's out of stock, so I bought the parts myself and not I'm just missing the PCB. How can I use the archive posted by sarahkatezm254 to have the PCB done? (and which service would be able to do it?) Thanks!

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