pedalSHIELD Bill of Materials and Alternatives

11 years 2 months ago - 11 years 2 months ago #23 by JR
The components were chosen to be standard, cheap and easy to find. Using only through hole parts which can be found in Mouser, DigiKey, Farnell element14, etc...

So far I have the part numbers of Mouser, but any contribution is appreciated. You can download the part list in different formats (.TXT .PDF .XLS .ODS):

File Attachment:

File Name: BOM-pedalSHIELD.rar
File Size:70 KB

Some components can be replaced by alternative parts:
  • TL072: standard dual op-amps like 4558, 4559, TL062, TL082, etc...
  • TC1044: MAX1044
  • 10MΩ resistor(R1, R2): any value between 1 and 10 MΩ can be used here
  • 10KΩ Potentiometers (RV2, RV3, RV4): any other value can be used.

keep it simple
The following user(s) said Thank You: dodgechargerfan

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11 years 1 month ago #28 by Conaty
Hey guys,

First off, congratulations! This is an incredibly great idea and I believe a watershed moment for the future of DIY audio and especially digital effects. (I've thought of doing something similar many times over the past 2 years myself, but never had the time).

I have bought a kit, but one suggestion would be to offer a kit+arduino package. The UNO is pretty standard now (I have one) but the DUE not so much.

I'll let you know how I get on when the kit arrives.

All the best,


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11 years 1 month ago #29 by JR
Thanks for the positive feedback. :)

I was suggested in the past to offer a kit including also Arduino Due, but so far I cannot get any special deal, so I would get Arduino DUE at the same conditions/price as you.

I am aware that UNO is much more used, so maybe to create a lo-fi pedal shield for this platform is not a bad idea, even though it cannot reach the performance of DUE.

Kind Regards,

keep it simple

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11 years 1 month ago #33 by Yetzederixx
Real low-fi given 6 bits of resolution. I've just started reading all the literature here, but would this even be possible with an Uno? I know that Ardunio has given the Due audio support, but I'm pretty sure that's missing from the Uno.

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11 years 1 month ago #35 by JR
I love the UNO but I would need to do some field research to check the possibilities. There are some limitations (no DAC, processor speed..) but why no!

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11 years 1 month ago - 11 years 1 month ago #37 by Yetzederixx
So I've gone over the parts list and since I already own a Due and a chunk of the components I'll definitely be using this project for my Senior design project for college.

Here's a screenshot of the parts from Mouser (sans shipping if any). Ends up being a little pricey considering the cost of the Due, Line6 has a programmable pedal for $170 USD for example, but the programming tools suck, and my school has been pushing Arduino's lately anyway.

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11 years 3 weeks ago #64 by dodgechargerfan
Is there a recommended Mouser part number for the connectors?

I'm not new to mouser, but I cant' seem to find anything appropriate for the PedalSHIELD.


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11 years 3 weeks ago #65 by dodgechargerfan
Found some!

They are a bit pricey, but convenient if you're placing a mouser order already.

Search for

Mouser Part #:
Manufacturer Part #:

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11 years 3 weeks ago #66 by Yetzederixx
I found by making my list that once in a while it takes some creative searching. Unfortunately I've had to reload my OS on this machine since I made that spreadsheet and hadn't bothered to back it up :oops:

When I go to place my order with Mouser (or get bored at school tutoring early in the semester), and do some price comparison, I'll make a Google Spreadsheet with part numbers from wherever I happen to find them (perhaps with links).

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11 years 3 weeks ago - 11 years 3 weeks ago #67 by gamoesp

dodgechargerfan wrote: Found some!

They are a bit pricey, but convenient if you're placing a mouser order already.

Search for

Mouser Part #:
Manufacturer Part #:

Just check that the matting length is long enough for pedalSHIELD... I don't see any datasheet or info related to the length of the connector you are linking, but it seems to be the standard one (which may not work!)

JR made a specific topic related to these connectors. Check it out and be sure that the one you choose is long enough.

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