KiCad simulation sharing

5 años 11 meses antes - 5 años 11 meses antes #1400 por GSFORSIN
While trying to undestand properly how everything works I was wondering if someone can share some KiCad models, I've noticed that the pedalshield topics are filled with these kind of material, but I wish some analog projects could be shared too. I would love to simulate both Vox V847 and MXR Dynacomp, to be more specific.

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5 años 11 meses antes #1408 por Ray
Respuesta de Ray sobre el tema KiCad simulation sharing
Hi, I am sorry but I cannot share the KiCad models because I use other software to do the simulations.
If you are starting I recommend you to use LTSpice which is free and there is plenty of tutorials online (youtube) to learn how to use it:

I have also seen some tutorials to learn how to use KiCad to simulate, but I have never tried myself:

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